One of the most important tasks that transformer manufacturers undertake after the installation of an electrical transformer is to monitor its performance and analyse it for future reference. This practice is particularly important in the current scenario considering the ever-increasing demand for performance-oriented transformers that can help run our homes, offices, and factories non-stop. A few decades back, the responsibility of a transformer manufacturer ended with the installation of the system barring the routine maintenance checks and service calls.


Before the 90s, industrial development in India was highly regulated and the demand for transformers was minimal at best. As a result, most transformer companies were engaged in manufacturing only a select few variants of transformers for a limited set of clients. This setup did not foster innovation or initiatives on the manufacturer's part since they had little or no incentive for their efforts. With the opening of the economy in the 90s, business began to boom; innovation became the lifeblood of businesses if they wanted to remain relevant in the market. Transformer manufacturing companies were no exception to this.


Within a few short years, technological advancements in the transformer manufacturing industry leapt ahead with the use of various technologies to improve its offerings while keeping costs down. One of the key methods to improve the existing technology is to analyse the behaviour of the electrical transformers by using specially built software to record its performance throughout its operations. The main advantage of this practice is that it can record the overall performance of the device under various working conditions. This can be used as a reference point for companies to consider while implementing any new technology or while improving the existing ones. The objective here is to identify chokepoints in the existing technology and find means to overcome them while minimising the occurrence of any other impediments.


Esennar Transformers is an industry-leading manufacturer of high-performance transformers that invests a considerable chunk of its resources in R&D initiatives. Incorporated in 2000 by a team of highly enterprising individuals, we have distinguished ourselves in the market by delivering innovative solutions while being rooted in time-tested methodologies. In addition to adhering to multiple quality regulations such as ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001: 2018 among others, we also take the time and effort to understand the workings of our creations on the field so we can learn from them and apply it on the next offering. Here at Esennar Transformers, we do not limit ourselves merely to meeting market demands but employ the latest technology, field experience, and our zeal to expand possibilities and pave the way ahead for the industry.


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