
Showing posts from November, 2022


Distribution transformers perform the last stage of voltage transformation in a distribution grid where it converts the voltage from the transmission line for household and commercial use. These devices are usually smaller than their counterparts and can either be placed on the ground or mounted on a pole. Since these transformers are connected to homes directly, it experiences a lot of load variations. A distribution transformer is designed with small leakage reactance. The flux density is lower in the distribution transformer as compared to the power transformer. This device has very good voltage regulation. The maximum efficiency of a distribution transformer varies between 50% and 70%. These devices are particularly used for lower voltage distribution networks as a means to end-user connectivity which is rated less than 200 MVA. With the rapid shift in population towards the urban region, the housing sector business has also increased considerably in recent years. This, in turn, h


One of the most important tasks that transformer manufacturers undertake after the installation of an electrical transformer is to monitor its performance and analyse it for future reference. This practice is particularly important in the current scenario considering the ever-increasing demand for performance-oriented transformers that can help run our homes, offices, and factories non-stop. A few decades back, the responsibility of a transformer manufacturer ended with the installation of the system barring the routine maintenance checks and service calls.   Before the 90s, industrial development in India was highly regulated and the demand for transformers was minimal at best. As a result, most transformer companies were engaged in manufacturing only a select few variants of transformers for a limited set of clients. This setup did not foster innovation or initiatives on the manufacturer's part since they had little or no incentive for their efforts. With the opening of the econ


Given the technological advancements in recent years coupled with a long list of features and capabilities provided in all variants of electrical transformers , it is quite natural for companies to employ the services of Pro-E software for designing electrical transformers. The main purpose of this software is to create an elaborate 3D model of the product and initiate a simulation to determine its performance based on the requirements of the manufacturer. This technology recreates a real-world simulation based on multiple inputs and allows users to determine the output of the design to understand its performance, safety, and other quality guidelines mandated by its clients. It can automatically design the device based on design inputs, calculate all measures affecting the performance of the device, and has a huge database of information that determines various outcomes of the simulations accordingly. One can think of it like a simulation game where you can recreate various scenarios.


The purpose of a transformer is quite simple; to convert high voltage output from a transmission line to low voltage output suitable to end users for domestic, commercial, or industrial purposes. It is employed to transmit power from one circuit to another through electromagnetic induction. They are mainly used in distribution networks to step-down or step-up voltages to suit the needs of the end users. These devices come in many variants based on the need of the requirement, however, the most commonly used variants are the liquid-immersed ones. The power range can vary between:   Large power transformers – 100 MVA and above Medium power transformers – upto 100 MVA Low power transformers – 500 -750 KVA   A power transformer operates on the principle of “Faraday’s induction law.” It is the main rule of electromagnetism that determines the working principle of motors, inductors, generators, and electrical transformers. The power transformer is commonly performed in full load since it is